
Saturday, January 30, 2010

First few weeks into grad school

Well, I am heading into Week 3 of grad school. Woo-Wee! I think I am still somewhat in shock of all the information thrown my way and am starting to confuse my classes a bit. My initial view of being a librarian was that it was someone who knew how to put things in a specific order, and was very knowledgeable of works and how to put things together for a theme in a classroom. Well, never in my wildest dreams did I realize that so much goes into cataloging! So many different types of catalogs, bib records, and systems! It's enough to make your head spin. Since I am still new to this, I have absolutely no confidence in my ability to do things the right way. I pray that this will change drastically as the semester goes on. I think I am behind because I am still unsure of some things like ISBD. I guess I have not got that far? I finished Module 3 and am heading into Module 4.
The first part of the class is to get me acquainted with the history of cataloging. The one name/term in cataloging/libraries I was somewhat familiar with was the Dewey Decimal System. Although I was familiar with it, I did not realize that he was not the first to create a system of cataloging. I was surprised to learn that even back in the days of egypt they were cataloging!
Another term I have come across and learned to add to my memory and vocabulary is the Library of Congress. This is such a HUGE part of cataloging. Almost everything I read seems to be somehow related to it, so I decided I wanted to visit it, but instead just looked up a video and found this.
That's all for now!
-Miss Lizzy 305 words